
March Insanity!

If you want a solid approach to scrying* this spring's NCAA hoops championship, Lipograms can assist.  My formula should not astound any of you.  All you do is count up a program's flaws.  Now, you may think I look at ball-handling or shooting skills, but that's not vital, as it turns out. 

Vital to making fruitful picks is karma.  Schools incorporating our taboo symbol will no doubt bow to karmic fury for such audacity.  Knowing this should put you in command of your pool.  Good luck.

Click this link for Lipogram's Official Picks.

* If you don't think my karmic approach is any good, how do you account for such a wondrous pick for alphadictionary.com's daily word right as I was drafting this? 


  1. Probably not surprising, but my lipogram picks are out-pacing my normal picks at this point.

  2. Hmm. Solid start, but it didn't last. I should probably stop advising folks to apply lipograms in this fashion until a fix is found.
